Spanish Immersion Program




The Spanish Immersion Program, or ¡Sí!, began more than a decade ago.  Every year, ¡Sí! volunteers complete a Spanish training course in the fall and spring semesters.

Some League members have entered ¡Sí! with no previous Spanish experience, while others are polishing their existing skills.

¡Sí para ti!

An extension of the ¡Sí! program are the “¡Sí para ti!” classes, which non-¡Sí! placement members pay to attend. The classes are offered during the fall, spring, and summer for beginners, intermediate and advanced-intermediate Spanish speakers. Many members who start in the ¡Sí! program continue on with ¡Sí para ti! for years.



Spanish classes are held once per week for fifteen weeks in the fall and spring, and 12 weeks in the summer.  Class sizes are limited to eight students and each class is approximately 60 minutes long.  Participants are given assignments or vocabulary to study at home each week as well.  The beginner course starts with the basics: pronunciation, pronouns, articles, and the like.  Verb conjugations and vocabulary are taught throughout.  By the end of the semester, the instructor will also touch on more advanced topics like reflexive and irregular verbs. In the intermediate courses, the instructor also works with students on real-life conversational skills.



JLA members with questions about the ¡Sí! program or who are interested in finding out more about taking Spanish classes at their own cost through The Junior League of Austin are encouraged to contact the Spanish Immersion Project Chair at