Membership Information

Thank you for your interest in The Junior League of Austin!

The Junior League of Austin is a diverse group of dedicated women working to make Austin a better place. The Junior League of Austin is a nonprofit organization formed in 1934 committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving our community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.

The Junior League of Austin reaches out to women of all races, religions, and national origins who demonstrate an interest in and commitment to voluntarism.

The Junior League of Austin has nearly 2,400 Active, Provisional, and Sustaining members. Our membership includes business owners, working mothers, professional women and stay-at-home moms from diverse backgrounds – and all are full-time or part-time volunteers coming from communities surrounding the Austin area.

The Junior League of Austin is part of a larger organization the Association of Junior Leagues International. The Association includes over 290 Junior Leagues throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, England and Europe consisting of approximately 200,000 women, all striving for positive change in their communities.

For more information, please click on one of the links below:

Contact the Admissions Chair at with questions.