
Coats for Kids Logo with Sponsors


Coats for Kids is a success due to the tremendous support received by the community year after year. Approximately 2,000 volunteers work together to sort, organize, and shop the thousands of winter coats donated for distribution.

We hope you are able to attend and find volunteering just as fulfilling, knowing your time is critical to our ultimate goal of keeping Central Texas children warm this winter.





Help prepare donated coats for distribution to children!

  • Sorting and Shopping Week is Dec. 1–10, 2022.
  • Sign up to volunteer during Sorting and Shopping Week!  Sorting and Shopping Week volunteers MUST be at least 18 years old for non-youth volunteer opportunities.
  • However, we do have some jobs younger kids can do. Do you have a child at least 8 years old who would like to volunteer? Register for a Coats for Kids Youth Sorting opportunity!
  • Location: The Junior League of Austin’s Community Impact Center, 5330 Bluffstone Lane, Austin, Texas 78759


Register for a sorting and shopping volunteer shift HERE



  • Organize a coat drive at your neighborhood school, place of business, community organization, or place of worship. (Coat Drive registration begins Oct. 3, 2022.)

For more information, please contact The Junior League of Austin’s Coats for Kids office at (512) 888-9036 or cfkvolunteers@jlaustin.org.